Legacy Hills Golf Leagues
Monday Ladies League
Our ladies play at 8:30am on Mondays. We have 18-hole and 9-hole groups and the golf shop organizes weekly competition. The one-time league fee is $10 which includes our handicap service. The per week fee is $34 which includes golf, cart, and prize money.
Tuesday Industrial League
The Tuesday Industrial League consists of four-man teams playing a nine-hole event each week at 5:00pm. This league is currently full with 18 four-man teams. Play for 2023 begins April 25. If interested, please call 219-324-4777 and ask to be put on a waiting list.
Tuesday Two-Man Fall League
This league plays in September and October. In 2022 we had 24 teams playing a nine-hole scramble. Play is in the afternoon at the player’s convenience, generally starting between 3:00-5:00pm.
Thursday Morning Senior League
The Senior League is open to any person who calls himself a senior. Our ages vary from 50 to 85 and we welcome any and all new members! Shotgun starts begin at 8:00am. Players do not have to commit to every Thursday, however we confirm participation the week before. The one-time league fee is $10 which includes our handicap service. The per week fee is $34 which includes golf, cart, and prize money.